Interactive site & Good Service
The excellent service of Neobux move as nearer the site...
- Very fast payment after only 5 min when you reach the amount of $2.00
- Forums
- Faqs
- Chat
- Vote
- Referral - Abilities to rent referrals for just $3.00 per 10 for a month and the new never-seen-before advantage that make the users to click at least 3 ads a day to earn all the amount of their referral's clicks, so we have only active users - referrals!!!
- Jackpot - Another new ability of neobux is that you can play at jackpots(there're ref jackpot, mini ref jackpot, jackpot & a mini jackpot - starting from $0.1 per ticket)!!!
Account Managing
- Advert - Cheap and intelligent advertise machine
- Refer people - Many ways to refer others to Neobux and many banners
- Settings - Change your profile, your alertpay(or paypal) mail or etc...
The ultimate design of Neobux make it an different ptc site that the users loved
- Beautiful design
- Useful interactive
6 σχόλια:
NeoBux is my favorite PTC too.
Check my PTC Blog for many other great PTC Sites.
I like neobux and ur blog too!
I was searching the best ptc site for two weeks, but now i think i found it!) Thx!!!
Nice to like it!!!
New ptc site
thx guys i love like to help u...
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